Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Dear colleagues and workplace in general

Please note that although I have only been in for an hour and a half, and although I had the day off yesterday to deal with the aftermath of having my bag stolen on the weekend, I feel completely satisfied with what I have done so far and would be content to call it a week. You see I have not entered anything into my blog for days, and there are lovely comments I wish to reply to, not to mention other people’s I wish to read. ON another note, I have several half-finished art projects scattered across my lounge room and study – so in the interests of health and safety (these could pose trip hazards you see) and my own well being, I think it best that I return home shortly after lunch and resume my printmaking exploits. Oh, and I have mail to post – and would really like to organize a composting workshop for the residents of my apartment block in readiness for the new compost bin which will be delivered sometime in the next week.

If you have anything you want fresh ideas on feel free to email me at home, I will get back to you at my leisure, over a piece of toast and cup of tea, and probably over my cat, who is a lap opportunist and will likely be perched there seeking pats as I type. If you want drudge work done I suggest you give that to someone else as I’m not very good at staying focused on admin tasks. If you need any truly exciting interdisciplinary thinking done or perhaps a new mural for the tea room, I am your girl. Ditto if you need costumes designed for a workplace musical or perhaps a new herb garden designed for the roof, or a great meal planned for the innaugral workplace feast, just drop me a line. If you want little tables filled out with numbers please note that this request will not get past my email filter. You will note also that I have taken the liberty of filling in the boxes of my time sheet this week with small haiku about the nature of existence. Feel free to read them out at the next team meeting as my contribution to the dialogue. Oh and be a dear and save me a monte carlo for the next time I pop by to visit.

Many thanks, kind best fond regards etc.


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