Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Monday, January 21, 2008

And on some days there are jackhammers outside your window trying to demolish a building gently, and your eyes are a little light sensitive, and your computer has been swapped at work and the new one wont do anything quite right and you suspect you are getting ready to run through the end of that magical thing called a menstrual cycle, and quite frankly, it’s enough to make you cry.

Instead you amuse yourself by thinking about the following:

5 things you probably shouldn’t do even if you think it’s a good idea at the time:
Fluff at the traffic lights hoping the traffic noise will cover the sound – it may not and people will know that it was you.
Rub your eyes wearing organic easy to remove mascara – water paint black wash down your cheek is not nice
Literally cry with frustration at computer problems at work, and maybe footstamp (for many reasons – see also mascara, above)
Skip mid week yoga because life felt too busy to fit it in
Stay up too late printing inky black pictures on a school night

5 important things they didn’t teach at school
Lacy bras are itchy. Itchy boobs are not happy boobs.
What you need to eat to get omega 3 if you don’t eat fish.
How to know when relationships start to drift into new territory.
That come 30-ish (35/ 40 whatever), many women will find themselves asking, suddenly, urgently ‘is he the one?’, ‘will this do?’, ‘do I want to have babies?’, ‘if I want to have babies, how will I maximize my reemployment and later career prospects whilst also being young and healthy when I breed, whilst also balancing my career/life/self development needs and my partner’s?’, ‘where do I want to settle down? What city? State? Country?’, etc.
How to motivate yourself in a job, so that both you and your employer stay happy with you being there


Anonymous Anonymous said...

A fluff at the traffic lights that smells is a dead give away!

6:16 pm  
Blogger alison said...

Astrobarry is enabling me. Gah.

7:16 pm  

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