Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

cabbage pot, kids

Betty Sue, you are like Margaret Fullton with your, err, sage, domestic advice, but verily funkier in a hand printed funky skirt and leafing through a well thumbed copy of a little known Polish playwright. I should have checked again before I went ahead and ad-libbed. But never fear, I will be trying out the spicy cabbage next vegie box (are cabbage and potatoes like the only vegies that are around every season, or does it just feel like that? :). Meanwhile I put a few large outer leaves to one side, chopped the rest and added it pumpkin, sweet potato, potato to make soup. The large leaves I steamed in the soup broth, then wrapped them around a mix of cooked basmarti rice with steamed spinach, sultanas, minced textured vegetable protein, garlic, hot paprika, cinnamin and olive oil to make cabbage rolls. Then baked them. Amazingly they worked a treat. Served them with a hot tomato and basil sauce. Pine nuts would have been good, but my pantry clean out didn't uncover any, and I was too lazy to walk down the road to get some, and hey, it was good anyway.

MeriRisa, I've used silken tofu in a potato bake recently, mixed with garlic and a bit of sea salt, worked quite well as a non dairy sauce/binder thing, just spooned on in between tatie layers. I think you can also use it to make dips and sauces and things, and in deserts. Amberguity has a bevvy of vegan cookbooks if you want to have a flick through next time you're around. Very few seem to involve carropt, sprouts or tempeh, so it's not too scarily reminiscent of a 1970's healthfood shop.


Blogger alison said...

Cabbage rolls! Why didn't I think of that?
That should dispose of a good portion of this week's cabbage.

(PS Margaret Fulton is a pretty groovy chick you know - she ran away from home at 16 and caught the train to Sydney, and was a single mum way before it was acceptable)

9:35 am  

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