Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Sunday, March 11, 2007

And for bonus points...

It is a beautiful hot Sydney summer day. You have a hangover and dim memories of drunken ramblings into the wee hours, in your candlelit courtyard backyard. You are running late with work stuff but it's been a day or two since you were last in the office and don't care quite as much as you did.

Do you:
a) stay home and nap with your cat on the freshly made bed, having shafts of sun dance over your sleeping form, only to emerge late afternoon, to make tea and toast and channel surf for BBC crime dramas?
b) funk it it up - heading into an inner city art shop to get that new paint you need for next wednesday's art class, stopping along the way for random coffees and bookshop browsing?
c) get up at 7 and find yourself in the office at 9, after having jogged, saluted the sun, done some personal admin and pumiced your feet, and procede to blitz the week's to do list?
d) think wistfully of a) and b) and guiltily about the lost possibility of c), half-arsedly help with collecting the empties for the recycling bin, lay on your bedroom floor listening to Leonard Cohen for a song or two enjoying the solid cosy warmth of sizal carpet and your cats pur and the hungover state of non-think, drink bad coffee you made yourself, go out and eat spicy thai food for lunch to help wake up your cells, buy zingy citrus fruit to do the same, meander slowly towards the office and find yourself there mid afternoon wondering if you can really be bothered to write those few pages, or whether an early movie might not be such a bad idea (and hey, might even catch that art shop...) ?


Blogger alison said...

(e) wish feverently for (d) but give up the struggle against nausea, headache, bone-ache, and eye-ache and stay in bed trying to muster the energy to accept that you don't metabolise alcohol in the same way as when you were younger. Swear to never touch the demon drink again. Break promise to self 6 days later.

We need to have that afterwork wine sometime...

10:04 am  

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