Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Website of the Week

Hmm, I always thought that committing to a 'website of the week' was a dubious idea when I a) often can't remember what week it is, b) can barely commit to just one website when I do remember. Whatever. My blog, my rules to break! :)

So, bearing with my loose use of the terminology, here is my 'website of the week!

Firstly, this one thanks to Derek. I also read about this artist in the paper recently. She took her own life, which seems awfully sad, when she seems to have been blessed with such a fascination and love of life, as embodied in her very carefully constructed organic shapes - which look like a homage to sea creatures and seeds and growing things.

Sticking with the arty theme, this one thanks to Angel. Newly launched by the Powerhouse Museum, it has lots of interesting events and articles about design, including fashion, craft, architecture, graphic design and product design.


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