Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Welcome home boombah!

Guess who is curled up on my lap as I type? Cassie B Bar. Sleek, shiny and yowly. He has a few more white hairs, but then so do I, and hey who's counting. OOh life of the pet owner. I envisage less nights 'down in town', visiting the town vet soon for a general check up (him, not me), and no more visits from Bindhi-Belle the world's best and smartest kelpie.

On a different note, caught up with Meri Risa yesterday and she is definitely showing now - aw, little belly popping out!


Blogger Mermaidgrrrl said...

Ooooooooh kiss him from me! He must be quite old by now - maybe 15 or so? Louise got him when I was 19 and he was definitely a fully grown adult by then.

The life crisis thing is always a hard one for those of us cursed with endless self-reflection. How easy it must be to be one of the drones putting LCD TV's and wine fridges on their credit cards! I often feel guilty that I haven't done enough in life with my education/skills/natural talents but figure I've done the best that I could along the way and am trying to figure things out as I go. I've never chosen the easiest path in life - I insist on doing everything the hard way! I really hope you find the path that makes you happy soon. And by the way - I have never for ONE SECOND wondered what you were doing with your life! I've always assumed you were just doing what's right for you.

10:28 pm  
Blogger BSharp said...

Hola !

Yes I concur with mermaidgrrl in the afirmation of not worrying really*.. Our friend saturn seems to be leading missy j closer to a happy whole and useful life. As a coda -or cola(tail), in spanish.. love ya much regardless.

*although I was a little worried about the demonisation of the poor humble carbohydrate.. what have people got against carbs these days? what did the poor little guys do to deserve such disdain? sustaining populations for centuries, in its way..

8:21 am  
Blogger meririsa said...

I know uncertainty can suck, especially when it drags on longer than expected. You are a very "accomplished woman", as novels written for young ladies in previous centuries would have said, and you are living your life in a very admirable and unhypocritical way. But as you say, it is challenging to live out all 4-quarters of one's ideal lifestyle at once. Maybe 2 at one time is the go, but then, which 2 quarters???
But like the others above, I never looked at your recent life and questioned why you are doing what you are doing - rather, I admired your courage to try new things, take risks, take yourself out of yours and society's comfort zone, and slow down on the paid-work stuff so that you can take time for more of the soul-nourishing things that my own life has been lacking for the past few years.
Good luck, and let us know if there is ever anything outside the norm we can ever do (not that we have everything sorted, and aren't about to plunge into complete chaos, sacrifice and uncertaintly ourselves!!).

1:56 pm  

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