Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Monday, January 23, 2006

day job jay dob

Oh youse gels! You are the sweetest and most attentive friends to read my long waffle and write back. Just to clarify, I'm not in the depths of despair or even in the depths of life crisis-ness (not really feeling despair and only in the midlands of life crisis-ness, which I guess then isn't really a crisis but a general musing and questioning?). When I first got back from KL well over a year ago now I thought I wanted to become a monk/nun and thought I'd never ever be able to work in an office again. Seriously, I'm not actually joking. The last year has been an excercise in finding the 'middle way' (to pinch Buddhas own terminology), in terms of functioning in the world and also staying true to my own Higher Self (for want of a better term). So compared to a year ago I am currently bitingly worldly and well adjusted to modern life.

I spose I was just meaning to give you an update on my current search for work but then found that it was hard to just tell that surface story without also referencing the bigger stuff. You know when the way you feel about something or a situation can be retold many different ways depending on the layers you feel happy to share? Under one story there is another story? Under the day to day *issues* and happenings are bigger, more primal, more wide-eyed questions and passions and musings? Just thought I'd let them in to the telling of the story too. And feeling confused doesn't always mean feeling lost or at sea - I think I've deliberately created uncertain externalities to mirror the lack of certainty I feel internally, and am adjusting to living with change. Some kind of dynamic equilibrium seems to be emerging. I'm feeling ok about not knowing, as well as feeling baffled.

So swimming back up to the more polite and less daunting sun-warmed upper layers of this green sea for a moment - guess what? I've got some enrolments in the art class I put my name down to teach through the wea-community-adult-education-college-thingy. Yah! I only need 5 people for the course to run (cute) so now am inspired to go off and make fliers to promote it (up till now the only advertising has been one window display at the office). I am such a nerd I can't wait to make my handouts! As it's an 8 week course I would get to include some history and technical context stuff as well as different techniques and approaches. I might ask the guy who I know who runs a cafe on the main street to see if the students can exhibit their works in the cafe at the end of the course, a mini exhibition, what fun.

Oh, and on Saturday a guy at a local art gallery asked me if I was interested in working there for a few days a week so he doesn't have to work 7 days. He knew I was finishing up where I was before because we had a life chat last time I was in there. He made a point of emphasising the *special mix of attributes* that one would need for such a job, as in an interest in the arts but also people skills and a bit of business development, and that he had thought last time I was in there that I might have those *special mix of skills*. He told me he was also talking to someone else but invited me to drop a CV in. All this was discussed in low sultry tones standing a bit too close. I am tempted to put in a CV, as it is ridiculously close to home, would involve much drinking of coffee (whoops! make that soy dandelion lattes), and is only 2 days a week, but to be honest the cynic in me thinks that maybe the special skills he is referring to involve things that people do with their clothes off. He is a short little fellow with a bit of a hang-dog, I'd like to make whoopee with you lassie kindof look about him. Moral check in #1 - is it right to follow up a work offer if you think it might be a confused attempt just to get your phone number?

Moral check in # 2 - should I tell my real estate agent about pusscat? Surely we are getting of the age where it is no longer dignified to sneak around with illegal pets in rental accomodation?


Blogger Mermaidgrrrl said...

We were honest about Loki, but lied about Karma. We said that she was a friends dog who we were looking after while they were sick and she probably wouldn't be here for very long. Hah! We are the worst kind of liars - we said that the "friend" had leukemia and has now died and that we have to keep the dog cause there's no-one else. That's right, we have no morals whatsoever. But our dog is safe and happy, and that's what matters. Tell the landlord that you're babysitting the cat and come up with some sort of heart-wrenching reason and I'm sure they'll say OK then just keep him forever! You can only be like the Buddha for so long, then you need to fudge the truth a bit.

4:47 pm  

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