The light
I'm getting better at seeing that light that shines from people when they are interested in you. You know the one? The one where they radiate 'yes', and they smile a lot. It's an animal thing and I am notoriously bad at seeing it. Aunty B could tell you. I am the kind of person who will rationalise away and deny all signs of interest, doggedly, peversely, until they have long moved on, and then, one rainy day years later I will have a dawning realisation: 'oh....No? You don't think..?'. If I was Juliet it would have been a different story. It would have been 'there's this Romeo fellow, I don't know, I think he likes my sister, he seems to be hanging around the house a lot. I think next time he comes I'll go work on my needlepoint so they can get some time alone..."
This new found insight has in part sprung from my time in Jakarta where my observation of 'he must be gay, he's such a sweet boy and patiently follows me while I'm clothes shopping' was reinterpreted by G as 'no dude, he has a crush on you'. Which I was flabbergasted by. And then slowly realised might be true.
This has opened up new realms of possibility. I even spotted it straight away with a tall French man at lunch the other day. oooh la la. It's really quite simple isn't it?
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