Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Thursday, July 22, 2004

The good*
Presents in the mail! It all started with a redirected Easter parcel of scrummy chocolates from Germany that got to Sydney a few weeks after I left. After ex-housematie kindly reposted it, it arrived in KL safe and sound with just a little meltage. Then there was a sampler CD from Adelaide - mmmm Australian Indie from the early 90's. Then various redirectings of mail complete with cards - yah thanks gals! Then, two packets of ridgy didge original tim tams and some new music from Newtown - straight to the office for morning tea ("can't you taste the difference?? Aren't these ones good??"). Thanks Risan and Copyboi. Now I have an offer from Mr Abstract Geometry of the last 12 episodes of the last season of Angel plus live Pixies, plus more sampler music, yah, bring it on. A big thankyou also to anyone who has dusted off their ball points and pulled out the nanna writing paper as well, I especially love love love the 'handbag of glory' card Miss Mango Mitsu... "such was the power of the handbag of glory that ladies wept when they saw it and those who touched it went straight to heaven". Indeed. 

The bad
I am having such a boring afternoon. You know those days when indicators and objectives or such like just sit there staring back at you neither of you will budge, no frisson whatsoever, they refuse to write themselves, you can't be arsed writing them. Standoff.

The very very ugly
Yesterday at a meeting at an esteemed university. It had a shoes at the door policy (argh, but what if someone steals my golden wedge sandals??) so...later, when two cups of nescafe with nondairy creamer worked their magic, I was faced with the ultimate of horrors - go to the loo in bare feet and face the wet floor of death. Add to this no paper and just the most primitive of garden hose style hose set ups - leaky at that. I. Really. Do. Not. Like. The. Toilets. Here. 
*noting that I have been erratic in my keeping in touch and apologies to anyone who has not recently been visited by the postcard fairy or the 'return your email with proper catch up or news' fairy - I concurr with B on the hazards of working at a screen and also studying at one and the impacts it has on electronic communication for pleasure. I blame the unexpected distractions of life in a new place and frequently send you all many nice thoughts instead!


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