I just don't know what to do with my self

Are any of you folk list writers? I must confess to keeping a running weekly list in pencil at work on A4 paper and getting great satisfaction when I get to cross off tasks. I used to be a bandit for the personal to do list, and have exhumed copious old lists in a recent 'mm, I moved house 6 months ago why do I still have some cardboard boxes of paperwork not yet unpacked' moment. They are often part list part random note paper part doodle. These lists, now, I find hilarious. They include every 'should do', 'wouldn't it be nice to do', and 'eek still haven't done' that crossed my mind. Many say things like 'ring Davo, ring Constanze, card for Lucretia'. Others say 'call uni, superannuation (underlined), file tax info' or 'call community garden, Africal drumming workshops Wednesday 6-7.30, Bryan, Community Centre.' Others are now completely unfathomable - kists of authors who seem to have no real relation at all now that I look at them like: 'Bernard Shaw, Italo Calvino, Virginia Woolf' or the funnniest I found in a recent box clean out was the following very useful cooking instructions: (written in very short lines, like a poem)
soak overnight
drain and use water
leave in jar drained all day
cover w t towel
rinse and strain at night
+ every night for 2-3 days
pound and bake in 130 oven
oiled pan or dish
bake for 4 hours
This had me laughing out loud, because nowhere, absolutely nowhere on the sheet of paper on whoch this was scrawled in a corner, was there any hint as to what food item it is that should be prepared in this way. As I read it I thought 'aah, sprouts' to start with and then 'hmm, maybe adzuki beans'. But the pounding and baking really gets me - what the? Now a day or so after finding it I have the ever so vague inkling that it might have been a recipe for a sprouted rye bread or similar - maybe even supplied by Meri Risa - maybe in my approximately 4 minute long raw food revolution? Although baking is not raw, maybe I was feeling particularly anti wheat or similar.
The other weekend my housemate and I were having coffee at the breakfast table talking about what our Saturdays had planned (rather what we had planned for them but you know what I mean). He said 'I have a list' I said 'can I see it?', he unfolded and help it out, and I laughed (not a very nice girl am I?) because it had three things on it, one of which was a meal. In reponse to my laughter, he added 'breakfast' (which led to an interesting discussion about the role of backdating in lists, addding things that were never on there just because you've done them and feel like you should get credit for them) and some 'tick boxes' and kindly let me photograph it. As follows.
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