Sea Green

Ephemera etc.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


To travel as a commuter.

To make substitution or exchange.
To serve as a substitute.
To pay in gross, usually at a reduced rate, rather than in individual payments.
Mathematics & Logic. To satisfy or engage in a commutative operation.
To substitute (one thing for another); exchange.
To change (a penalty, debt, or payment) to a less severe one.
An act or instance of commuting, especially the trip made by a commuter: a 22-mile commute; an easy commute.

Commute 4ish hours a day from mountains to city to mountains - commute with olive green vinyl seats and the neck lurch of train napping. Commute to and from the office coffee machine. Pondering whether to commute my 5 day working week for a 4 day one. To commute shorter week for longer days. To commute my sentence for a lighter one. Commute my wage with a smaller one. To commute the idea of career for the idea of life's work. To commute to and from the stationary cupboard. To commute security for freedom.

This week is all about commuting.


Blogger Mermaidgrrrl said...

I seriously could not do it - too much time involving work but not actually at work getting paid. I'm too lazy! Hope your b/day party went well tonight - I'll give you a call babe and I'll pop your pressie in the post this week :-) Kisses! Hugs!

3:12 am  

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